The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation at COP28

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation at COP28: philanthropy and sustainability

Keen to promote its work in the areas of climate and the ocean, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation will attend COP28, one of the most important conferences on climate change.

By attending COP28, the foundation consolidates its commitment to tackling global challenges, as well as emphasising the importance of philanthropy as a key tool to help solve critical issues, such as climate change.

While governments play a crucial role, the private sector and philanthropic organisations offer a unique ability to innovate and spark change. The foundation advocates that public-private partnerships and global collaboration are essential for tackling environmental challenges within the current context.

Beyond discussing abstract concepts, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation will present sustainable projects that exemplify its practical commitment to making a positive impact on the community. These initiatives range from renewable energy investment to educational programmes that ultimately aim to build a greener and fairer future.

Despite significant obstacles, there is room for innovation, collaboration and strategic investments that can shape a more sustainable future. The foundation's involvement at COP28 will constitute more than just its presence, seeking to register the institution's commitment to addressing critical issues affecting the planet. By underlining the essential role that philanthropy plays in creating fairer and more sustainable societies, Gulbenkian hopes to inspire others to find innovative and impactful solutions for a more promising future.


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